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13.12.2022 | MToolR R package developed 
An R package has been developed that can be used to process and analyse M-Tool data. The package provides: a) functionality to load and process data generated by M-Tool b) procedures for common (basic) analytical tasks c) visualization functions. You can find more information here. We plan to incorporate more features in the future and very much welcome any feedback! 

30.11.2021 | M-Tool data analysis script published
We have developed an R-script that provides users with a starting point for their M-Tool data analysis. The script uses the edge list produced by M-Tool and transforms these into total number of nodes, total number of edges and various centrality measures. The script can be accessed here

12.12.2021 | Two M-Tool publications out! 
Two publications on M-Tool have come out this week. One paper guiding researchers how to use it and another paper evaluating the validity of the tool. Both publications are open access!

17.08.2021 | Web-based version of M-Tool released
The development of the web-based version of M-Tool has been completed. The tool is now available for free here. This tool is similar to the app version of M-Tool, but allows researchers to create a study and send a link with the study to potential participants, who can complete the study in their browser. This new version of M-Tool also includes a bar-drawing feature with which the researcher can assess perceptions of dynamics. 

29.12.2020 | Web-based version of M-Tool on its way
Due to the many requests for an online version of M-Tool, we are working on a new version! The tool will be translated to a web-based platform, that will allow researchers to populate the tool in their browser, and send the populated tool to their participants using a link. 

08.06.2020 | M-Tool workshop at System Dynamics Conference
M-Tool has been selected to be presented in a hands-on workshop at the International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. The workshop will be held online on the 24th of July. The workshop will give participants a clear idea on how the tool can benefit system dynamics research, how to use the software, and provides participants the opportunity to explore how they can use M-Tool for their own research. For more information on the workshop and conference registration go to: 

04.05.2020 | M-Tool has been released!
The M-Tool app has been released in the iOS and Android app stores and can now be downloaded for free! Go to the tool for the links to the app in the appstores.