How to Get Access to M-Tool?
You can access the M-Tool here:

Data Protection
The data generated with the M-Tool apps can be downloaded to the local device only. No third parties (nor the creators) have access to this data.
The data created with the web-based version is encrypted and stored on a server in compliance with GDPR regulations. No third parties have access to this data.
The development and testing of M-Tool was funded by Field of Focus 4, Heidelberg University, grant number: ZUK 49/Ü 4.1.070 and Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Grant/Award Number: 01LC1706A & 01LC1822A.
M-Tool was designed by Dr. Karlijn van den Broek, Dr. Sina Klein & Dr. Helen Fischer at Heidelberg University, and Joseph Luomba at Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute, and developed by Konrad Kühne and Judith Massa at Lambdaforge.
M-Tool has been developed with the MultiTip project, a research project on mental models of Lake Victoria’s Nile perch fishery. We would like to thank Lake Victoria Fisheries Organisation, and the Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute for their partnership which helped realise the development and testing of the tool. We would like to thank our colleagues, Elizabeth Mlahagwa, Mussa Ngosha at the Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute for helping us test the tool and giving us tips on how to improve the user-friendliness of the tool while working with rural communities, asante sana.Thanks also goes out to the district executive directors and fisheries officers who facilitated the fieldwork that helped to refine the tool. We would also like to thank all other Lake Victoria colleagues, stakeholders, participants and friends that have contributed directly or indirectly to the development of this tool. We thank our colleagues from the MultiTip team at Heidelberg University for creating the opportunity to develop this tool as well as for their support. We would also like to thank Dr. Daniel Holt for the development of earlier prototypes of this tool and Judith Massa from Lambdaforge for the development of the final tool, thank you both for your continued patience. Thanks also goes out to Mia Mckenzie for recording the audio instructions.